Wednesday, June 27, 2012

why do asian americans tend to find comfort with their own nationalities?


  1. more in common, more to discuss, and my personal favorite

    (misery loves company)
    meaning they can explain there life and share and relate.

  2. I think it feels more comfortable in terms of sharing and understanding each other.

  3. it's about feeling comfortable and a sense of understanding, that asian americans tend to find comfort from their own nationalities, because they all share a certain sense of understanding toward each other.

  4. Like everyones comments, people hang out with others of the same nationality because they feel a connection and it is far easier to find a common ground between them.

  5. I agree with the comments above, you don't feel so left out when you have something in common with others, especially in a foreign country. Even if they have grown up in this country, it is always nice to be able to talk to someone who knows exactly what you are talking about.

  6. I believe it's because when a certain race hangs out with their own race, they feel they can relate to each other more in terms of same interests. I'm asian & I have many asian friends because we can relate to each other, but I still have other friends who aren't of the same ethnicity.

  7. I think everyone on here is right about it making conversation easier to form because of your common ground but also if you are like me and rarely see someone else of your ethnicity, it is interesting to talk to that person and listen to their story see how they ended up in the place you both are at that moment.

  8. i would like to find comfort in hanging out with people of the same nationalities but its difficult for me because i cant speak my own language that well while my friend do so i hang out with white people
