Monday, April 30, 2012

Undocumented immigrant

Can an undocumented immigrant become legal?


  1. YES! undocumented immigrant can become legal if they apply for Asylum or marry a US Citizen or Permanent Resident.

  2. They cannot unless they go back to their homelands and apply for reentry under the U.S. immigration laws.
    A foreign national who has been unlawfully present in the US for 12 months or less is barred from applying for entry for 3 years. A foreign national who has been unlawfully present in the US for more than 12 months is barred from applying for entry for 10 years.

  3. I am pretty sure they can. They have to go through the same process as if they were to do in their homeland.

  4. Yes, they can. I think one method is to go back to their country and then apply to become a legal citizen and the second way is to marry a legal American citizen. It seems like the second method is one that a ton of people use to gain citizenship. I've seen this method done by a lot of people I have met or know. Some have fake marriages while some are actually in love so that one is a win win situation.
