Monday, April 30, 2012

Undocumented immigrant

Should immigrants who have been staying in America for most of their lifetime be allowed to become U.S citizens?


  1. I think it's unethical when we don't give them a chance to become legal immigrants when the rest of their life was in the the US. just give them chances.

  2. In my opinion, a good citizen/immigrant should have right to become a U.S citizen .

  3. I agree with all the replies above. Immigrants are always deemed to be taking away jobs from American citizens when actually they aren't. I think it is unfair to forbid people who really are willing to be American citizens when they have already given something, and especially for believing in American ideology and for behaving like a good citizen. I think America has been so limiting to people who wants to have American citizenship for even a good reason.

  4. If they have been living here for a long period of time then they should be given the opportunity to gain citizenship as opposed to just handing them the citizenship just because they been here for a long time.

  5. I think they should be given the opportunity to gain citizenship. But then again, they are already are given opportunity to become a citizen, they just choose not to for whatever reason.

  6. If they have been living in the Us for a while, and they haven't broken any rules, I believe they should be given the opportunity to become a legal citizen.

  7. I think that they should be able to become a legal citizen, especially if they've lived in America for their whole life and have established their living style and a career here. However, in my view, I think that during the process of legalizing the immigrants, the government should put into consideration whether this person is doing good or bad for the community. If they have a lot of criminal records and aren't really doing anything to contribute to the community and what not I don't think think they should become US citizens.
