Wednesday, June 13, 2012

YouTube Project

what did you guys think about Just Kidding Films? I've became a fan :)


  1. I like it, but i prefer, the professors for youtube channel he showed in class.....

    the korean guys who made fun of pop korean culture =]

  2. I think its interesting! Although its funny, but people will learn something after watching it :)

  3. To be honest, I don't know anything about Just Kidding Films until i got to watch in class and i think its interesting :)!

  4. I've always liked JustKidding films. Their videos are sort of vulgar but almost all of them have some kind of message they are trying to get out to the public so it's good.

  5. I think JustKidding films are hilarious. I think that viewers have to keep in mind that they are making fun of Asian American stereotypes and NOT perpetuating them.

  6. I like Justkidding films because the videos are funny and viewers can learn something new.

  7. I had a blast researching on them and presenting the video to the class. JustKiddingFilms are is hilarious, and Jessica you are totally right! they do take serious issues and give a comedic twist to it, I think its a great way to grab the persons attention than just being a depressing/lectured video on a serious subject.

  8. They use a vary simple way to tell things.

  9. I like Justkidding films because they are funny, and they incorporate serious subjects into their videos but in a funny way. They also have a passion for what they are doing.

  10. i really enjoy they're films not only because they are funny but they show real problems and funny ways
